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Showing posts from December, 2020

Programming for problem solving : Assignment no 1

 Assignment of programming for problem solving:  The questions for assignment is : The solution for the assignment is as follows :  Please subscribe the blog for more updates . Thank you! 🙏🙏

Program to calculate the largest number

 Here the program in C to calculate the largest number . Here we will input three numbers and will check whether which one is greater . The syntax code is as follows: To get more  knowledge from this blog subscribe the blog by the blog icon at the upper right corner of the blog  for more updates. For more programs : CLICK HERE  Thank you!


Here is  solution for mathematics assignment 2:


 Here is the solution of BEE ASSIGNMENT    QUESTION 1 - QUESTION 5 Question 6 to Question 10  For maths assignment : click here  


Here is the solution of mathematics assignment 1 . One question is not done. Please provide the correct solution for that question.  Solution of the assignment is as follows: For BEE NOTES : CLICK HERE For MATHS NOTES : CLICK HERE

Numercals on time dialation and length contraction

 Time dilation notes and derivation:   Numercals on time dialation and length contraction. For more notes of maths click  : MATHS NOTES For  notes of electrical engineering click: BEE NOTES