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Showing posts from May, 2020

11. Program to calculate COMBINATION and PERMUTATION with simple steps

#program to calculate the combination and permutation def factorial(number):     c=1     if(number==0):         return 1     for i in range(number,0,-1):         c=c*i     return c def combination():     print('welcome to the combination finding')     print()     print('''Our format is as follows: we will ask a and b as aCb  means a combiantion b''')     a=int(input('enter a of the combination'))     b=int(input('enter b of the combination'))     print('you want to find',a,'C',b)     if(a>=b):                  return factorial(a)/(factorial(b)*factorial(a-b))     else:         print('you have written a less than b which is incorrect') def permutation():     print('welcome to the permutation finding')     print('''Our format is as follows: we will ask a and b as aPb  means a permuatation b''')     a=int(input('enter a of the permuatation'))     b=int(input('enter b of t

10. Program to calculate the factor and to find prime number(combo)

#Program to calculate the factor and to find prime number a=int(input('enter the number')) r=a p=0 print('   ',float(a)) for i in range(2,500):     while(a%i==0):         a=a/i         print(i,'x',a)         p=p+1         if(a==1):             print('Total factors of',r,'is',p) if(p==1):     print(r,'is a prime number') else:     print(r,'is not a prime number ')          OUTPUT: