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Showing posts from January, 2020

6. Program for binary search using recurison

#program for the binary search def binary(seq,item,l,u):       if l>u:             return -55       mid=int((l+u)/2)       if item== seq[mid] :             return(mid)       elif item< seq[mid] :             u=mid-1             binary(seq,item,l,u)       elif item> seq[mid] :             l=mid+1             binary(seq,item,l,u)       else:             print('you entered wrong number') series=[5,10,12,15,22,28,44,78,89,99,121,143,178,199,231] print('your series is:',series) n=len(series) number=int(input('enter the number from the series to be searched')) result=binary(series,number,0,n-1) if result < 0:       print('you entered negative value') if result>=0:       print(number,'found at index',result)

5. Python Program to print the sum to factorial of numbers

# write a program to calculate the sum of the factorial of a number. n=int(input('enter the POSITIVE no for which you want factorial')) s=0 if n==0:       print('the factorial of 0 = 1') if n==1:       print('the factorial of 1 = 1') if n>=2:     c=1     for i in range(1,n+1):           for j in range (i,0,-1):                 c=c*j                 s=s+c     print('The factorial of ',n,'is',c) else:       print('You entered wrong value')

4. write a program to find the factorial of any no. in python

3. Certificate for various subjects

2. Acknowledgement for any subject

1. Python program for railway reservation system

def reserve(CLASS):     if CLASS==1:         print('welcome to the REGULAR CLASS SEAT reservation')         dest=int(input('enter your destination in km  '))         stat=int(input('enter stations in between '))         price=10*dest         amount=price+(10*stat)         print('the price for 1 seat is =',amount)         seat=int(input('enter no of seats'))         total=amount*seat         print('your final price is =',total)         print('you will have to pay',total,'INR')         return total,seat,amount     if CLASS==2:         print('welcome to the FIRST CLASS TICKET reservation')         dest=int(input('enter your destination in km  '))         stat=int(input('enter stations in between '))         price=20*dest         amount=price+(15*stat)         print('the price for 1 seat is =',amount)         seat=int(input('enter no of seats'))         total=amount